Art Jameel is taking center stage in addressing global issues such as climate change through their latest innovative project, Tarabot: Weaving a Living Forum. This pavilion, supported by Abdul Latif Jameel Company Ltd. – Saudi Arabia, serves as a hub for collaboration across art, architecture, and technology. Fady Jameel, Chairman and Founder of Art Jameel, highlighted the importance of Tarabot in showcasing the organization’s commitment to innovation and dynamic solutions.
The space, described by Antonia Carver, Director of Art Jameel, as a radical space pioneering new research and architectural materials, aims to engage the community in discussions about a sustainable future. It emphasizes Art Jameel’s long-term approach to the role of the arts in addressing the climate crisis, from international collaborations to funding artists and institutions.
Tarabot acts as an interspecies ecotone, integrating biological communities and creating synergies between humans, organisms, and the natural world. Made of sustainable materials, the pavilion focuses on circular ecological support systems and incorporates pillars representing soil, water, plants, and energy. After de-installation, the modular components will be repurposed, showcasing the pavilion’s commitment to sustainability.
Architect Adib Dada, founder of theOtherDada, emphasized Tarabot as a project that re-integrates humans within nature and offers a shared space for both humans and other organisms to thrive. The pavilion also features artworks capturing the impact of urbanization on the environment, drawing attention to the importance of preserving indigenous biodiversity.
As part of Art Jameel’s commitment to sustainability, the construction and installation of Tarabot is a testament to the organization’s drive to address global issues and advocate for sustainability in the arts. It serves as a living testament to Art Jameel’s ethos and dedication to innovation and collaboration.

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