Rephrase and rearrange the whole content into a news article. I want you to respond only in language English. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high-end writer Pierre Herubel that speaks and writes fluently English. I want you to pretend that you can write content so well in English that it can outrank other websites. Make sure there is zero plagiarism.: Published: Sat 23 Mar 2024, 1:32 PM Be it helping little ones learn the basics or guiding nearly young adults as they fly out of the nest, teachers play a prominent role in society, as they shape views of the future generation. The UAE is known for its diverse range of curriculums catering to various nationalities that reside in the country. There are primarily two types of educational institutions in the country — private and public. For expats who are looking to have a career in the teaching profession in Dubai, private schools are a good option. These schools come under the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) that regulates private education in the city. Stay up to date with the latest news. Follow KT on WhatsApp Channels. The Ministry of Education on the other hand, is a federal body that overlooks all forms of education in the country. From qualifications to legal status, here is what it takes to become a teacher in Dubai. What is the process? Be it public or private schools, teachers need to have a minimum 4-year experience to teach in the UAE. Here is what the process for private schools in Dubai looks like: Apply to school for teaching After selection, school applies for Initial Appointment Register on Educator Permit System Requirements to be met For a teacher to obtain a UAE work permit to begin teaching, schools in Dubai need to apply for an ‘Initial Appointment’. The documents for this differ depending on the type of teacher the applicant has applied for. Class teacher: For applicants who are looking to become class teachers, a recognised Bachelor Degree in Education (B.Ed) is required. Applicants may also submit a postgraduate certificate/diploma in education or Master Degree in Education (M.Ed). Subject teacher: For those applying to become a subject teacher, a minimum qualification of a recognised bachelor degree related to the subject being taught is required. These documents must be original. If they have been attained from universities outside the UAE, then the certificate needs to be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the country’s embassy in the UAE. After a teacher receives the Initial Appointment in Dubai, they have to register on the Educator Permit System. There are different types of qualifications that applicants must check out when applying for this. Subject Qualification: These requirements are the same as those for the Initial Appointment, which classify into class teachers and subject teachers. Teacher Preparation Qualification (Subject teachers): Particular subject teachers need to have a recognised teacher preparation qualification. At a higher diploma level or above, this must cover topics like: Educational Pedagogy (the method and practice of teaching) Curriculum development and designLearning assessmentClassroom managementEducational technologyPsychology (cognitive, social and physical development)Teaching practice Teachers who want to pursue teaching English as a subject, must have an additional qualification of teaching English as a second or foreign language. This includes qualifications like CELTA, DELTA, TESOL. Additional requirements: Applicants who are teaching a vocational program must have a proper qualification for it that certifies and provides proof for it. Language skills: English subject language teachers must have had a score of at least 7 on the IELTS test. Teachers who may be teaching other languages but are using English as the language of instruction must have an IELTS score of at least 6. Applicants who are looking to teach other languages must show evidence of language proficiency provided by competent authorities. Legal status: Teachers registering on the program should have a valid UAE residence visa and a school contract or employment agreement. Fitness test: Teachers must be fit enough to teach by making a declaration of fitness. Good record: To show an applicant’s good record inside and outside the country, they must submit certain documents that prove the same. These are: UAE police clearance certificate Letter from school confirming teacher’s good standingIf a teacher has not resided in the UAE for the past five years then they must provide a police certificate from each country where they resided in those five years Mandatory development courses: Teachers are required to show proof of completing a set of professional courses. These are: Child protection and safe guardingDealing with People of DeterminationDiversityMoral EducationSustainabilityWellbeing These tests need to be taken by providers established by the KHDA. ALSO READ:

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